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Defense in Depth

Aug 29, 2019

All links and images for this episode can be found on CISO Series (

A cyber professional needs their staff, non-IT workers, and the board to take certain actions to achieve the goals of their security program. Should a CISO use the hacking mindset on their own...

Aug 22, 2019

100% Security. A great idea that's impossible to achieve. Regardless, CEOs are still asking for it. How should security people respond and we'll discuss the philosophical implications of 100% security.

Check out this post for the discussion that is the basis of our conversation on this week’s episode co-hosted by...

Aug 15, 2019

All links and images for this episode can be found on CISO Series (

How proactive should we be about security? What's the value of threat intelligence vs. just having security programs in place with no knowledge of what attackers are trying to do?

Check out

Aug 8, 2019

All images and links for this episode can be found on CISO Series (

Is the ATT&CK Matrix the best model to build resiliency in your security team? What is the best way to take advantage of the ATT&CK framework and how do you square away conflicting data coming in...

Aug 1, 2019

All images and links for this episode can be found on CISO Series (

The hacker community needs a new PR campaign. Far too many people equate hacker with criminal. But hacker is a mindset of how one approaches security. What is that approach and why are CISOs...